As an employee of the Sisters of Charity Health System, you know well what it means to contribute to the physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing of others.
You participate daily in the ministry of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine by sharing your talent, energy and compassion with those we serve, and I am extremely grateful for all you do.
Our ministry is focused on those who are most vulnerable in our society and in need of healing – children, the sick, the homeless and families. In these tough economic times, communities need our services more than ever. To continue our healing ministry, we not only must rely on strong financial stewardship, but also a partnership with individuals, corporations and foundations to financially support us in carrying forward Jesus’ healing ministry.
The One Heart Campaign is a critical part of our plan to ensure that the mission of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine is well positioned for the future. The contributions of our staff and volunteers will have a direct impact on the continuation of service to achieve our mission. Plus, they will strengthen our case for support from outside funding sources, many of whom consider the unity and personal investment of leadership and staff when they evaluate our funding requests.
Perhaps most importantly, though, I want One Heart to make the existing culture of caring, dedication, generosity and personal sacrifice more visible. We know that it is real in our day-to-day work. It’s so easy to lose sight of the significance and spiritual nature of our calling amidst the challenges and routines of our jobs. But, our philanthropic support reminds us poignantly that we don’t go to work just to make a living.
That’s why I hope you’ll join your colleagues in supporting one or more of the ministries of the Sisters of Charity Health System financially. This is a voluntary campaign. But, I sincerely believe that those who give will experience deep satisfaction and the joy that comes from knowing your support is important, much appreciated and needed to sustain our ministry to the community.
Thank you for responding to God’s call of service with the Sisters of Charity and may God continue to bless our work.
Sister Judith Ann Karam, CSA
Congregational Leader
Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine