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Donor Portal

What is the Sisters of Charity Health System Donor Portal?

The portal is a custom website you can use to view your giving history, generate giving statements, make one-time and recurring gifts, manage recurring gifts and update your payment and contact information.

What giving information is accessible through the portal?

The Sisters of Charity Health System manages  fundraising records for all of our sponsored ministries and the fatherhood programs of the South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families.

Additionally, we retain records of gifts given to St. John Medical Center, Providence Hospitals and Mercy Medical Center while they were sponsored ministries of the Sisters of Charity Health System.

All gift records in our database are accessible through the portal.

How do I get started with the portal?

If you have received an email invitation to join, select Accept your invitation to create a portal account.

If you would like to receive an email invitation to the portal, click here to send us a request. Make sure to include your name, address and preferred email address in your request.

If you have not received an email invitation, you may click here to access the portal, but you will only be able to create an account if the email address you use is the primary email address we have on file for you. 

What is a Blackbaud ID?

The portal is powered by Blackbaud, our fundraising management technology provider. The Blackbaud ID is a portal user account to keep your private information safe and secure. Use of the Blackbaud ID allows us to track your giving and profile updates in our fundraising management system.

How can I return to the portal once I have created an account?

Bookmark and use this for future visits.

How do I know what the information in my giving history means?

Since our database includes records of gifts to multiple entities, the information in the fund column indicates both the entity to which a gift was directed and its designation.

The entities are abbreviated in the fund column as follows:

  • AFP - A Father's Place
  • AFW - A Father's Way
  • BHC - Building Healthy Communities
  • ECRC - Early Childhood Resource Center
  • FTF - Father to Father
  • HL - Healthy Learners
  • JMH - Joseph & Mary's Home
  • LOHV - Light of Hearts Villa
  • M2M - Man2Man
  • MFC - Midlands Fatherhood Coalition
  • MMC - Mercy Medical Center
  • PH - Providence Hospitals
  • RHC - Regina Health Center
  • SCCFF - South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families
  • SJMC - St. John Medical Center
  • SVCAM - St. Vincent Charity Health Campus
  • SVCEN - St. Vincent Charity Community Health Center
  • UFC - Upstate Fatherhood Coalition

The fund name which follows the entity abbreviation indicates the program or purpose for which your gift was designated.

"Unrestricted" indicates no designation was recorded and the gift was applied to the area of greatest need.

"Restricted" means your gift was designated for a specific purpose for which we do not have a code. 

Who do I talk to if I have additional questions about the portal?

Contact Nathan Munn at 216.875.4634 or nmunn@sistersofcharityhealth.