A ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System
The Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland has improved the lives of those most in need with special attention to families, women and children living in poverty. As a faith-based organization, the foundation has extended the values of Jesus Christ through the mission of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine and also worked to sustain the ministries of women religious.
After 28 years of impactful partnership in investment in the community, the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland is pausing external grantmaking by the end of 2024. This will allow its resources to be dedicated to providing support to the St. Vincent Charity Community Health Center, Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood initiative and the Building Healthy Communities program – efforts that will help ensure that the inspiring legacy and mission of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine carries on, and will help enhance services to the Central community.
The foundation has identified the following areas of need for addressing poverty:
- Reducing health and education disparities in Cleveland's Central Neighborhood
- ending homelessness in Cuyahoga County.
The foundation also commits to supporting communities of Catholic women religious and their ministries.
For decades, they have formed a critical part of our community's capacity to help those who are vulnerable. In this focus area, the foundation honors their dedication and strengthens their service.
Furthermore, the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland is the lead organizer on behalf of many partners to implement the Central Neighborhood Promise Neighborhood - a transformative program that wraps children in high-quality, coordinated health, social, community and educational support from the cradle to college and career.

Established 1996
The Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland improves the lives of those most in need with special attention to families, women and children living in poverty. The foundation works to end homelessness in Cuyahoga County and to reduce health and education disparities in Cleveland’s Central Neighborhood. As a faith-based organization, the foundation extends the values of Jesus Christ through the mission of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine and also works to sustain the ministries of women religious. The Sisters of Charity of Cleveland was endowed in 1996 from the proceeds of a partnership involving St. Vincent Charity Medical Center. Previously, the sisters used the proceeds of the sale of Saint Ann Hospital in 1973 to endow the Saint Ann Foundation, the first health care conversion foundation in the United States. In 2006, the two foundations merged and blended their missions.

Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
P: 216 241 9300
Recent Blog Posts
February 9, 2024
Cuyahoga County, Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland and other community partners announce plans to reduce youth homelessness
Cuyahoga County and community partners - including the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland - announced January 29 a new plan to work toward ending homelessness for youth and young adults. The plan, funded by a $3.9 million renewable grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will provide immediate relief and work to address root causes of homelessness.