The Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton is hosting a grant application process workshop on April 18 from 9-10 a.m. The workshop is designed for nonprofit organizations that intend to apply for funding from the foundation. Nonprofit organizations are encouraged to send a representative to the workshop before applying.
Participants will learn about the foundation's grantmaking strategies, application guidelines and application process. They will have an opportunity to ask questions and get answers from foundation staff to help them with the process.
To register, please send an email to Danielle Bailey at In the subject line of the email, please write April 18 Grant Workshop.
In the body of the email, please include the following information:
• Your name and title,
• Your organization name,
• Your organization's mailing address, and
• Your phone number.
The Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton is a ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System.
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