A Community Christmas, $4,500 over three years to support the Christmas Giving Center.
Alliance for Children and Families, $75,000 to support the B-FIRST permanent supportive housing project.
Coleman Professional Services, $55,000 to support the Changing Destinies permanent supportive housing project.
EN-RICH-MENT, $10,000 over two years to support the Saturday and summer music programs in the Summit Neighborhood.
Fund for Our Economic Future, $50,000 over three years to support economic development in Northeast Ohio.
Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio, up to $124,000 for start-up costs to employ an executive director for the Stark County Continuum of Care.
Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio, $95,200 over three years to support evaluation of the Dream to Achieve program.
Hartville Migrant Ministry, $17,000 to support the Magic of Education summer after-school program.
ICAN Housing, $19,500 to support the required match for an Emergency Solutions Grant to provide rapid re-housing services.
ICAN Housing, up to $2,000 to support a staff member's attendance at the National Alliance to End Homelessness conference in Washington, D.C.
Leave a Legacy Stark County, $12,000 over two years to support local fundraising training by Indiana University’s Fundraising School.
Salvation Army of Canton, $25,000 to support the Pathway of Hope program.
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina, $1,000 to support joint sponsorship with the sister Foundations in Cleveland and South Carolina for the Assembly of Catholic Foundations' annual conference in Charleston, S.C.
Stark County District Library, $5,000 to support leadership development services for the management team.
Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, $40,000 over two years to partner in support of phase 2 of a nonprofit leadership program.
YWCA of Canton, $1,000 to support a staff member's attendance at the National Alliance to End Homelessness conference in Washington, D.C.
The foundation is a ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System and focuses on serving the needs of the poor and underserved. The organization offers four grant cycles each year. More information is available at www.scfcanton.org.