"Seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not what is on Earth."
Colossians 3: 1-4
Spring returns and the Earth comes alive before our eyes. Even now God is turning
our sorrow to joy, our desolation to a garden. Our hope for new life swells again,
even if the threats of the past year are not fully diminished.
May the work we do today and every day lessen the chasm of disparity
and bring about greater justice and equity. Together with our health, grantmaking
and outreach ministries, we carry forward the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine’s
enduring legacy of responsive ministry, creative stewardship
and an ongoing quest for social justice.
Thank you, always, for your support and partnership on behalf of the individuals, families and communities we serve.
Thomas J. Strauss
President & CEO
Sisters of Charity Health System
© 2025 Sisters of Charity Health System. All rights reserved.